Krohne Vortex Flow Meters
For utility applications, advanced energy management and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
- Sophisticated flowmeters with integrated pressure and temperature compensation and integrated energy calculator for advanced energy measurement
- Certified for Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
- Cost-effective and robust devices for harsh process conditions and/or basic applications
Vortex flowmeter for utility applications and energy management systems
- For liquids, (wet) gases, saturated and superheated steam (+240°C / +464°F)
- Integrated P+T measurement: direct output of mass, nominal flow, energy, gross/net heat
- Flange: DN15…300 / ½…12"; wafer version: max. DN100 / 4"
- 2-wire, 4…20 mA, HART®, FF, Profibus-PA
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Vortex flowmeter for high temperature applications
- For liquids, gases and steam up to +427°C / +800°F
- Adaptive filtering and signal conditioning
- Flange: DN15…300 / ¾…12", max. PN160 / ASME 1500 lb;
Sandwich version: max. DN200 / 8"
- 2-wire, 4…20 mA, HART®
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Vortex flowmeter for basic utility applications
- For liquids, (wet) gases, saturated and superheated steam (+240°C / +464°F)
- Available with integrated nominal diameter reduction for a large measurement span also in pipelines with large diameters
- Flange: DN15…300 / ½…12"; wafer version: max. DN100 / 4"
- 2-wire, 4…20 mA, HART®7
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