krohne OPTIMASS 6400
krohne Coriolis mass flowmeter for advanced process applications
- High accuracy (±0.05% flat), for cryogenic to HT media (-200…+400°C / -328…+752°F); maintains operation over a wide range of gas fractions and complex flow conditions (EGMTM)
- SIL 2/3; CT: OIML R117, R137, MI-005, MI-002; API, AGA; hygienic certifications
- Flange: DN10…300 / ½…12", max. PN 160 / ASME Cl 1500
- 3 x 4…20 mA, HART®7, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, Bluetooth®
The OPTIMASS 6400 is the standard high performance Coriolis mass flowmeter for the process industry. The twin bent tube meter offers superior performance and high accuracy in virtually any application: From process control in (petro)chemical applications to concentration measurements in the food and beverage industry to custody transfer filling and transport measurements in the oil and gas industry. Its high-end options also make the OPTIMASS 6400 the optimum device for cryogenic media like Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with temperatures down to -200°C / -328°F as well as applications involving high operating temperatures (up to 400°C / 752°F) or pressures (up to 200 barg / 2900 psig).
Product features and options depend on device configuration: Contact us to make sure that your preferred functionality can be combined in one device.
- Twin bent tube design
- Entrained Gas Management (EGMTM): maintains operation with air or gas entrainments in the medium
- The only Coriolis mass flowmeter on the market allowing secure wireless access via Bluetooth® or remotely via HART® in safety-related applications
- Device commissioning, verification, diagnostics and monitoring via a secure wireless Bluetooth® connection (<20 m / 65.6 ft)
- SIL 2/3 certified up to DN200 / 8″
- Partial proof test possible with PTC (Proof Test Coverage) of up to 82%
- Fast and completely digital signal processing
- Integrated temperature measurement
- Optimised flow splitter for minimum pressure loss
- High accuracy mass, density and volume flow measurement (optional ±0.05% of MV)
- Highest OIML accuracy class of 0.3 for custody transfer (CT)
- Extensive sensor and process diagnostics (incl. NE 107)
- Available in three different sensor materials (incl. Duplex and alloy 22)
- Many options (heat tracing, purge port etc.)
- Self draining when mounted vertically
- No crosstalk: resistant to installation and process effects
- On-site verification of flowmeter with OPTICHECK service tool possible