High Quality Measuring, Flow Management and Analytical Instruments
High Quality Measuring, Flow Management and Analytical Instruments
High Quality Measuring, Flow Management and Analytical Instruments
High Quality Measuring, Flow Management and Analytical Instruments
High Quality Measuring, Flow Management and Analytical Instruments
High Quality Measuring, Flow Management and Analytical Instruments
  • NEMA 4x Instrument Enclosures
  • Cabinets and Shelters
  • Intertec Heaters
  • Sunshades

Intertec Enclosures and Heaters

MULTIBOX (top or bottom tube entry)

MULTIBOX is a two-part enclosure that can be mounted vertically or horizontally, and with either the deep or shallow section used as the door (making it easy to access almost every part of the equipment). Instrumentation is usually mounted via C-rails, with tube entry at the top or bottom. Seven standard sizes provide volumes from 25 to 170 liters/0.88 to 6 ft3.

DIABOX® (rear or bottom entry)

DIABOX™ is a two-part enclosure with a diagonal opening, providing very easy access to field equipment for maintenance. Tube entry is typically made via the rear or the base. There are three sizes, each of which may be installed vertically or horizontally. When vertically mounted, sizes range from 87 to 187 liters / 3.07 to 6.6 ft3.


UNIBOX (bottom tube entry)

UNIBOX is a two-part enclosure with a large top half that folds away to provide open and easy access to the top, front, back and sides of field equipment for maintenance. It is ideal where tube entry needs to be made via the base. There are four sizes ranging from 43 to 63 litres / 1.5 to 2.2 ft3.


MINIBOX 21 (for direct mounting)

This compact enclosure is sized to provide cost-effective housing to protect close-coupled single-transmitter installations from overheating. It can also be equipped to provide freeze protection. Its two-part oblong-shape measures 21.8 x 30 x 38.8 cm (21 litres / 0.74 ft3). A patented design allows both sides of MINIBOX to be made to open around the hinge by – completely exposing the equipment for easy field access.


MESC enclosure (meeting Shell standards) 

A two-part enclosure for protecting field instrumentation, with removable flaps for operation of the manifold, fabricated to meet Shell’s MESC standard.


BASIC VARIO (rear or top/side tube entry)

BASIC VARIO wall/floor-mounting enclosures are made using Intertec’s unique sandwich-construction, with GRP skins enclosing foam for efficient insulation (and quick payback from energy savings). Three standard sizes from 235-309 liters (8.3-10.9 ft3) offer volumes that sit between the upper limits of many field instrument enclosures and smaller cabinets. Flat exterior surfaces allow enclosures to be packed together.

Corporate Office - Houston Physical Address:
11711 Playa Court
Houston, Texas 77034

Mailing Address
PO Box 890649
Houston, Texas 77289-0649

Tel: (281) 484-4830
Fax: (281) 484-5456
E-Mail: info@techquip.com

Terms and Conditions

State Office - Baton Rouge Physical address:
18212 E. Petroleum Dr. Ste. 3B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Mailing Address
18212 E. Petroleum Dr. Ste. 3B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Tel: (225) 927-4284
Fax: (225) 295-5995
E-mail: info@techquip.com

Texas Satellite Locations

Corpus Christi

Louisiana Satellite Locations
Lake Charles
Tel: (225) 927-4284

New Orleans
Tel: (504) 566-4900